
Saturday 16 June 2012

Easy Way To Lose Body Weight

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 04:  Trainer Gavi... New weight loss tipsWeight loss is not something that can be done overnight. You need to make sure that you do what you need to in order to really make sure that you are helping your body lose weight. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't have the right information about losing weight and they end up getting discouraged. Don't let that happen to you; keep reading for some easy weight loss tips you can use.
1. Get seven to eight hours of sleep. This seems almost too simple, right? The truth is that many studies have been done to show that your body loses the most fat as you sleep. That means that the less you sleep, the more you decrease your chances of dropping weight. Give your body a chance to do what it needs to do, so that your weight will fall off.
2. Drink a full glass of water before eating your meals. When you do this, your belly will start to fill up before you even take a bite, which means you will not have to deal with eating too much. Water is important for weight loss in its own right, so you are doing two good things for your diet when you start every meal with some water.
3. Move whenever you can. Exercise is important, as everyone knows, but you don't need to be in the gym to get a few workouts in. Walk around your neighborhood, for example. During commercials of your favorite shows, do a few sit ups. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a bike on the weekends. These may seem simple and they are. They are very easy, enjoyable activities that will contribute to your weight loss.
4. Throw out all the junk food in your house. When you reach your target weight, you will be able to eat small amounts of those chips and donuts you love so much, but right now you need to get serious. Go through your kitchen and toss anything with too much sugar or too much fat. That way, when you are feeling weak and have a craving, you won't even be able to cheat on your diet. That will help you lose weight.
5. Get support. Join a weight loss forum or an offline support group. You need to talk to people who are losing weight and have the same challenges you do. That will help you to know you are not alone, and it will help hold you accountable for the weight loss you say you want to accomplish.
6. Keep track of what you're eating. This will help you to get honest about whether you are eating what you need to be eating. You can look back on what you have eaten and see how you felt at the time, and you can make sure you are getting the proper nutrition. Having it down on paper makes it easier to know if you are on track.
Losing weight is not easy, but it can be easier if you use the steps listed in this article. Make sure that you stay committed, and that weight will fall off.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Friday 15 June 2012

Shape Up Your Lifestyle to Get Into a Better Shape Yourself

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 04:  Clients ride...
Obesity is one of the biggest problems that faces mankind right now. According to recent surveys, around one thirds of the entire population of the world are overweight- and counting. Even more alarming is the fact that this is not an age-related issue any more (in the past, excessive weight was considered a sign of advancing age); it has become an all-encompassing condition that spans every age, sex and race. Despite the fact that there are so many methods of losing weight, like exercises, diet plans, dietary supplements and even diet patches, obesity is gradually taking on the proportions of a national crisis; the only explanation of the same can be a lack of awareness, and a severe one at that. On the other hand, it can be really easy to shed off those extra inches just by following a few simple rules that won't interfere with your priorities.
This is the most important part of your weight loss plan. Ensure that what you put inside your body is not merely tasty or filling; it also has to be enough even in small proportions, and it will also ensure that you are not deprived of any vital nutrient.
Do not keep yourself hungry, no matter what. Feeling hungry between meals is a normal occurrence; instead of snacking on a bag of chips, satisfy the craving with a healthy alternative like an apple, some figs or a cucumber.
Skip skipping meals. The big meals of the day are important to provide the essentials; going without them will tune your body into starvation mode, hoarding up supply in the form of fat as emergency resources.
No diet regimen is complete without its fair share of exercises. True, working out in the gym or even at home might have lost its feasibility somewhat, thanks to increasing work pressures. However, one can always incorporate a few steps in everyday chores. For instance, do the dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher.
Walk to the grocery store instead of taking a vehicle. Walk to work too if time and distance permits.
Avoid the elevators and escalators. Take the stairway to health instead.
Do the domestic chores yourself instead of enrolling domestic help.
Diet patches like the BioEnergiser Hoodia Diet Patch are a great way of checking your weight. These patches curb the hunger pangs by releasing extracts of appetite suppressing herbs directly into the bloodstream, increasing the insulin levels in the body significantly. This tricks the brain into believing that there is no requirement for excess food.
Besides slimming patches, dietary supplements also come in the form of capsules and tonics, like the Capsi Extreme and Acai Berry Pills. These supplements are great for weight loss regimens; they curb appetite and burn body fat without causing any harm to the system at all. Dietary supplements are important for any diet routine since they help in maintaining the balance between nutrition and weight-watching that might become difficult to regulate manually.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Get a Pair of Healthy Feet With at-Home Detox Methods - Feel Healthier Than Ever

English: A box of bath salts with some of the ...
Detoxification of the body is an absolute necessity in order to maintain good health. There are various detoxification methods: external as well as internal. The basic idea of detoxification lies in flushing out the toxins from the body. Toxins are the poisonous substances that are created within the cells of organisms, by those cells themselves. These substances can be harmful, even fatal, when they come in contact with enzymes and/or enters the bloodstream. Toxicity of the bloodstream results in bad circulation, thus slowing down metabolism and leading to weight gain. Detoxification is necessary for the overall health too; presence of toxins in the bloodstream might have pretty serious consequences. There are various methods of flushing out the toxic materials from the body. While there are foods that can help in this purging procedure, detox patches and detox foot spa are also great options.
Foot spa is an extremely useful variant when it comes to detoxification of the body. There are various methods one can adapt in order to flush the toxins via the foot, but they all basically concentrate on one aspect: using the pores on the underside of the feet to help clean out the toxins. According to scientific studies, the soles of the feet have thousands of tiny pores that are regularly used to clear the body of the toxins. However, these pores generally get clogged up; thanks to the fact that our feet are the most in contact with dirt and germs, bears the maximum pressure and strain, and are also under covers the maximum time. Besides, not too many people pay as much attention to their feet as they should, the maximum focus being on other parts of the body. So, it is not surprising that feet are not really able to act as agents of detoxification as well as they are supposed to.
Taking care of your feet needn't necessarily require you to make an appointment with the nearest spa. You can treat them at home, and not much exercise is needed at all; at-home treatments are exactly as effective as professional foot spa therapies.
Soak your feet in lukewarm water everyday, or at least at regular intervals with not too much time in-between, for at least 15 minutes. This is great in softening the feet and clearing up the pores. Don't forget to add some Epsom salts or bath salts.
After soaking your feet, scrub the soles carefully. A pumice stone is best suited for this purpose; however, any other scrubber you are comfortable with will help too. Do it for quite sometime, until the feet begin to feel much softer and cleaner. However, do ensure that the action isn't too vigorous; of any area feels sore and/or looks inflamed and reddish, stop immediately. This process is called exfoliation, and it gets rid of dad skin cells that accumulate on the sole of the feet, clogging up the pores.
You can opt for less time-consuming alternatives like the Body Boutique Detox Foot Patch Factor. With options like this, taking care of your feet was never easier. All you have to do is just to apply one such patch on the underside of your feet before you go to sleep, and take it off the next morning.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Get Into That Hourglass Shape Immediately With Body-Shaping Clothes

English: Picture made with mobile phone camera... New weight loss tips
How many times have you passed by an awesome dress that looked tailor-made for you had you only been a tad slimmer? And how many beach holidays have you cancelled because a wee swimsuit didn't seem the right thing to wear? If it has been happening from quite sometime, then it definitely is time to trim those love handles and slim down the thunder thighs. However, what do you do if the party is tomorrow, and your dieting regimen still hasn't turned you into the proverbial hourglass? This is when body sharpers come in handy; by creating the illusion of a perfect figure, they increase your confidence and provides extra motivation to shape up by giving you a glimpse of what you will look like by following the slimming regimen.
Body shape wear gives you the chance to dress up exactly the way you want to. These can be worn underneath your clothing just like your normal undergarments. The best part about these shape wears is that these do not cause any discomfort at all. There is no itchiness at all; besides, these are suitable for wearing irrespective of the season since they are highly moisture resistant, neither do they cause you to feel any hotter in summer. Moreover, these are so discreet that they can always be worn underneath your clothes, even as you go about doing your normal day's work. Also, these garments do not show from underneath your clothing either, much unlike a lot of undergarments.
Slimming body suits: This kind of shapewear, such as the Shape Changers Full Slimming Bodysuit, is possibly one of the most helpful ones among other body shaping outfits. These slimming suits work on the entire body, trimming and tucking all the problem areas with equal efficiency. These slimming body suits are known to smoothen the back by pulling in the fat, trim the tummy, hips, thighs and abdomen by sucking in the extra flab and doesn't allow spillage even in the breasts by the dint of compression.
Half-slimming body suits: These shapewears are again very similar to the full slimming body suits; the only difference lies in the fact that it trims select areas of the body, such as the hips, thighs and abdomen or the breasts and the back, whichever your problem zone might be.
One of the biggest advantages of body shapers is that they can be worn above your undergarments, and are perfect to hide those bra and panty lines that often embarrassingly show through sheer or even body-hugging clothes. There are a few things that need to be kept in mind while buying slimming garments. Always buy the exact size; there is one available for everyone. A size too big or too small will cause a lot of discomfort, and a poor fit will completely nullify the purpose of wearing a slimming suit. Besides, make sure that the clothes that you are wearing will completely cover your shape-wear, so that no one can get a hint of what is the secret behind that fabulous figure you are flaunting.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

How To Lose Weight Without The Boring Cardio - A Better Cardio Alternative

HEONGGYE, SOUTH KOREA - JANUARY 04:  South Kor... new weight lossSo are you a cardio junkie that just can't get enough? It may be time for you to learn how to lose weight without boring cardio. Cardio is always the buzz word when it comes to weight loss but you should consider spicing it up with some alternative routines.
Here's the typical recommendation you will hear from doctors, fitness pro's and others about why low to moderate intensity aerobic training is the best thing for those wanting to prevent heart disease and lose weight.
Surely you've heard this before,
"Perform 30-60 minutes of a steady pace cardio exercise 3-5 times a week keeping your heart rate at a moderate level for yourself"
So basically just go get your butt on the hamster wheel and crank out the hours of cardio.
Well consider some research that indicates that "steady" pace endurance workouts like described above may not be what it's cracked up to be. If you need to know how to lose weight with cardio then maybe you should consider a few alternative ideas.
It's important to realize that our bodies are more designed to perform quick bursts of activity followed by rest and recovery, or to say it another way the stop and go movement instead of the steady pace movements. The variability is definitely one of those important aspects to include in your training.
If you think about nature this tendency can be seen throughout most animals - the stop and go motion instead of steady state. It's funny because humans are the only creatures in nature that attempt to do long term endurance activities. In some cases you have migrations for animals but this a bit different than what we're talking about here.
Also, most competitive sports (with the exception of endurance running or cycling) are based on stop and go movement or short bursts followed by a recovery.
Let's look at the physiques of two premiums athletes - the marathoner and sprinter. Most sprinters will have a very muscular lean look while the typical marathoner is very skinny looking. When you think about it, which one would you prefer to look like?
Here's another important factor to keep in mind regarding these two methods of training. Scientists have known that excessive steady state training increases the free radical production levels in the body, can degenerate joints, reduce immune function and cause muscle wasting. Basically it's much harder on your body.
However, on the other hand highly variable training has shown increased antioxidant production in the body and an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide response, increased metabolic rate response (which is prime for weight loss help). Furthermore, steady state endurance training really only trains the heart at a specific heart rate range and doesn't train it to various every day stress levels.
Think about it this way, variable training will train your heart to be better able to manage everyday stresses with the fluctuations of heart rates. Steady state training doesn't help train your heart to these fluctuations throughout the normal day.
To summarize, some of the potential benefits of variable cyclic training compared to steady state endurance training are as follows: improved cardiovascular health, increased anti-oxidant protection, improved immune function, reduced risk for joint wear and tear, increased muscularity (versus decreased muscularity with endurance training), increased residual metabolic rate following exercise and an increased capacity for the heart to handle life's every day up's and down's.
Athletic Workouts and Sprints for Better Weight Loss Cardio
There are a variety of ways to benefit from this variable intensity training. Most sports such as basketball, volleyball, football, racquet sports are naturally variable training sports.
Also, doing swimming workouts with this variable training in mind over a long duration swim can be beneficial. This can be said about any type of traditional steady state cardio such as running and biking.
There's no way around it but one of the most effective ways to benefit from variable intensity training is to do wind sprints outside. If you're serious about losing body fat and turning up muscle definition then this is a perfect way to train. 6-12 total sprint intervals is a good workout to begin with. Sprint for about 10 to 30 seconds and follow it up with 60 seconds for recovery.
Also, weight training provides a natural variable training approach. You perform short bursts of exercise followed by a recovery period. Incorporate this along with an interval training session on the treadmill could look like this:
Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog
Interval 1-run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute
Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes
Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute
Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes
Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout.
Some other great methods for losing weight are jumping rope, rowing machine, stairs or running hills.
The most important thing to take away here is to train your body at a high variable intensity for much of your working outs to get the most benefits for weight loss and overall health.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

The Perfect Daily Meal Plan For Weight Loss - Not How Many Calories But What Calories

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 04:  Clients exer... new weight loss tipsYour number one focus for the perfect daily meal plan for weight loss should focus on the kinds of calories you're consuming and not entirely on how many calories. The truth is everyone who is dedicated to losing fat must understand that nutrition is just as important and perhaps even more important than their training routines. Most people with weight loss goals put their meal plan second to their fitness program when they develop a plan for weight loss success. You need to understand nutrition, what you put in your body, is extremely important.
There are so many extreme and crazy diets out there these days that it's really difficult to find something that will help achieve your goals. Keep in mind, if you lower your calorie consumption and eliminate the bad calories (unhealthy foods and sugary drinks) you can lose fat quick. Many of the marketed diets out there are just playing to the individuals emotions to buy here and now. In reality, the most important things about dieting you already know. You know soda isn't good for you. So it should obviously be limited if not eliminated.
One of the biggest issues people encounter with meal plans for weight loss are they severely restrict their calories to the point where it's just not possible to withstand long term. So they end up right back where they were with bad habits. The secret is to moderate calories so you're not "killing" yourself trying to be perfect. Just make sure your calories are coming from healthy type foods.
One key thing to keep in mind for your meal plan is to try to make your diet up mostly of whole foods that haven't been processed and preferably organic foods. This translates to you needing to eliminate many of the bad carbs like pastas, white rice, breads, pizzas, etc. Focus on the lean meats, fish, veggies, fruits and nuts. It's also a great idea to plan out meals every 3 to 4 hours. This helps your body keep the energies levels up for maximum weight loss.
These are some great and effective tips you can incorporate immediately in your diet. The main objective is to find a meal plan that can be followed long term and won't quit in a week or two. Get creative with the foods and don't bore yourself with the same exact foods day after day. Remember it's about the type of calories just as much as how many calories in your daily mean plan for weight loss.

If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Thursday 14 June 2012

Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat - Use Variable Workouts To End The Plateau Effect For Good

It's a fact of life in working out that you eventually hit that annoying plateau in training at some point. The fastest way to lose belly fat is actually to mix up your routine to avoid that work out plateau. Everyone's been there - you're moving right along a few weeks/months, losing fat, toning the midsection, looking better and then it just hits. You find yourself slowing down on the gains and sometimes even weaker than you were a few weeks ago.
The problem is these plateaus occur because people aren't mixing up their routines enough. Many will stay with the same type of exercises and routines, same sets and reps and rest periods and that just doesn't cut it if you're trying to lose belly fat. Not to mention the same old cardio routine. What you need to do is become creative. Your body is becoming "adjusted" and you're not confusing the muscles enough anymore.
So if you're looking to keep your belly fat off and/or toning the muscles than there are ways to vary and modify your training routines. Typically people think this just means changing up the amount of sets and reps you're doing but changing your routine is also a good idea.
Here are the variables that get you off the plateau and back to making serious weight loss gains - changing the order of exercises (sequence), exercise grouping, type of exercises (multi-joint or isolated), number of exercises in your workout routine, resistance, volume of work (sets, reps etc), rest period, speed of exercise, range of motion, training duration of workout and frequency of workout per week.
Hopefully that doesn't sound like too much for you to consider. These are some great elements to vary in your workouts to maximize losing belly fat and your body toning goals. Here are a few more to get your mind going.
Typically, most people think 3 sets of 10-12 reps is the way to go per exercise with a brief rest of 1-2 minutes. Well this gets quite boring over the course of a few weeks and your body isn't dumb! Your body gets bored too and that's why your gains become minimal.
Give 10 sets of 3 reps with a medium weight a try and short rests.
Go a little heavier on weight and complete 6 sets at 6 reps with a spring on the treadmill in between sets.
Use an almost max weight and do 10 sets of 1 rep. Sounds crazy but give it a try.This time go with a lighter weight and do 1 set at 50 reps!Try a workout based on only one full body exercise, such as barbell clean & presses or dumbbell squat & presses, and do nothing but that exercise for an intense 20 minutes.Try a circuit of 12 different exercises covering the entire body without any rest between exercises.Try that same 12 exercise circuit on your subsequent workout, but do the entire circuit in the reverse order.Try your usual exercises at a faster repetition speed on one workout and then at a super-slow speed on your next workout.Try five smaller 30 minute workouts one week then the following week do three one hour workouts.
If you really focus on mixing up your exercise routines and keeping your body guessing this really is the fastest way to lose belly fat.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

What To Eat To Lose Belly Fat Exposed - Healthiest Foods For Your Daily Weight Battle

What to eat to lose belly fat exposed:
It's important to not only provide healthy recipes that get you closer to losing your belly fat but to make them as delicious as possible so you're looking forward to your next meal. Learn what to eat to lose belly fat and you'll be more than on your way in losing weight and hitting your goals. There's no point in giving you meals that you can only eat for a week and then you're too exhausted from eating cardboard you don't ever want to see it again. That's why in this article you'll get some healthy food ideas to lose belly fat but with alternate twist.
One of the important things to keep in mind is that if you don't have junk food around the house then there's a pretty good chance you won't sit around eating it hour after hour. It's key to make smart choices with healthy foods when you go shopping.
Of course you'll recognize some of these as healthy picks, but I think you'll be surprised as you read the rest of the article!
Here's how you should be stocking your fridge after your next trip to the store. I prefer to load my fridge up with fresh vegetables and fruits. It's an obvious choice but also one that's important. So find some selections you can bare and have them available in your home. Here are some good one's to include in your morning breakfast eggs onions, zucchini, spinach, fresh mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli and always remember green is good. If you cut up some lean chicken or lean turkey into the eggs that always makes for a good meal to start your day. Keep in mind when you shop to look for the organic natural grown chicken.
By the way, the whole eggs with the yolks are not as bad as you may think if you want to lose belly fat. Many people like to eat just egg whites and that's fine but the yolk has many nutrients and the cholesterol is not the bad kind. It's a good idea to crack a few egg whites and then add 1 or 2 yolks to it. The free-range organic eggs are the best quality too.
So here's a good staple for the kitchen fridge that's usually on the quiet side of dieting tips. Try coconut milk and mix it in with smoothies, oatmeal or a yogurt to enrich the taste. Coconut milk has a lot of healthy saturated fats such medium chain triglycerides (MCT's), specifically one named lauric acid which is an important one for your immune system.
The Fridge for losing belly fat
Almonds, pecans and walnuts are a great snack choice for your pantry. If you can get raw nuts without the roasting process that is the better way to go. Also, definitely go with the unsalted.
Another good snack idea is cottage cheese, ricotta cheese and yogurt. Mix your cheeses in the yogurt along with the nuts from above, and some berries, and this makes a perfect mid-morning or late afternoon snack.
Whole eggs mixed with egg whites are some of the most natural richest sources of nutrients. Instead of having all egg whites or all full eggs find a good ratio for you.
Salsa and Avocados are great way to still enjoy the "party" foods but stay healthy doing it. Use your avocado in wraps, salads and sandwiches to mix up the flavor.
Butter - not ALL butter is bad butter. Butter can add some great flavor to just about anything and in some cases can be part of a healthy diet. The important thing to remember is to keep the amounts at a low level in anything you use it for. More importantly is to select organic butters since pesticides and other harmful chemicals get in the fat of the milk that created the butter. Grass fed cows used for milk is a good way to go.
Leaf lettuce and spinach are also a good choice for salads and you can mix in your nuts along with carrots.
Always go with homemade salad dressings. Use balsamic vinegar, spices, extra virgin olive oil and this is much better than buying store bought salad dressing which typically use refined canola and/or soybean oils.
If you're going to include some grain-based foods in your diet then go with rice bran since it's one of the most nutrient dense kinds of bran. Rice bran is loaded with minerals and vitamins but minus the starch and calories of rice.
Lets move to the freezer for losing weight on your gut
Frozen berries are great - it's a good idea to keep a solid supply of frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries in your freezer. You can add any of these to high fiber cereals, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt and smoothies.
Frozen fish is also a good one to include and mixes the diet up from your organic chickens. The most important thing here is to always go with wild caught versus farmed raised. Again this shouldn't need much explaining but in addition the omega-3 to omega-6 balance is much healthier in wild caught.
Frozen chicken breasts - if you choose to freeze your organic chicken then you might find this in your freezer as well.
Freeze your buffalo, ostrich, venison and other exotic lean meats. These some of the more healthy meats around and if you're serious about this lean body thing then going with these meats is a wise decision over standard hormone raging beefs, chickens and port you get at your grocery stores.
Frozen vegetables - feel free to freeze some of the vegetables discussed above to maintain them a bit longer.
Lastly, The snacks in the pantry for losing belly fat fast
Sometimes we need a little pick me up and tea is great for this. Go with green, oolong, white, rooibos (red tea). For a great tea loaded with antioxidants is yerba mate.
Oat bran and steel cut oats are high in fiber and typically a bit better off than the packaged instant oatmeals. To mix up your egg routine mix in some oatmeal breakfasts.
The two best oils to have in your pantry are virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. If you can stay away from any vegetable oils than definitely do so. Never use the soy, corn or canola oils either.
Remove all white rice and replace it with healthier brown rice.
Raw honey is better than processed honey - higher amounts of nutrients for you. Honey has even shown in studies to improve glucose metabolism, which means your ability to process carbohydrates. If you include a teaspoon in your morning tea that should help you out. Yes, honey is pure sugar but keep in mind it's a very small amount and isn't all bad for you.
Lastly - Dark chocolate! The darker the chocolate, around 70-75% cocoa content the better. You need to treat yourself every once in a while and dark chocolate can provide a good amount of antioxidants. Since it is dense with calories keep it to a few small squares after a meal. This should be enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Hopefully this gives you some good tips on what to include in your home if you're goal is quick and healthy weight loss. We all have different tastes so mix and match what works for you. If you incorporate these in your next trip at the grocery store you'll know exactly what to eat to lose belly fat.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Maximize Weight Loss Results With Complex Body Movements Versus Body Part Isolation Exercises

A common question that people interested in weight training always seem to ask is
"What exercises should I do to isolate ____?"
It doesn't matter which muscle someone is asking about, they always seem to be asking how to 'isolate' it. Well isolating muscles, especially if you're trying to tone the body and lose weight, isn't necessarily the best approach to take in the gym.
It's important to realize that the body doesn't necessarily work well with muscle isolation but rather works better in movements. When large portions of the body are assisting each other in completing out a complex motion. In reality there's no such thing as a true muscle isolation because muscles have to work together in any exercise. However, it's a much better approach to perform a multi-joint complex motion.
When you attempt to isolate muscles by performing single-join exercises you are actually creating a body that is non-functional and will be prone to injury. You need to think powerful, fully functional body rather than individual units.
So if you really want to end up with an "uneven" worked out body with join problems, tendonitis and excess body fat then feel free to continue isolating muscles.
On the other hand if you're looking for that lean muscular fully functional body then definitely incorporate complex movements.
If you're focusing on how well your entire body functions then you will get the side effect of a body that looks even better than it would have if you focused on muscle isolation exercises. Just look at some of the top athletes in professional sports and see how they're bodies look.
Lastly, another benefit to shifting away from isolation exercises is that you will find it much easier to lose body fat and overall weight loss. You will burn more calories and get an overall body workout greater with the focus on working out the entire body. By doing this you also increase your metabolic rate and stimulate the burning of more fat and muscle building.
For example, the leg extension machine is a single joint exercise that works mainly the quads but it doesn't really burn many calories. Alternatively, you could do exercises like the squats, lunges, step-ups, and/or deadlifts, which are all multi-joint movements that work the entire body. This also burns a ton of calories.
Keep in mind, multi-join exercises are important and should comprise a large portion of your workouts there is a place for isolated exercises. Just don't waste too much time at the expense of your multi-joint exercises to do them. A 90% to 10% ratio of multi-joint versus isolated is a good ratio to go by.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Lose Weight and Look Great: Quick and Simple Steps

When you want to lose weight you will find that the best way to do this is a combination of diet and exercise. These two things go together and will help you to lose at least 10 pounds a month. It is wise not to try to lose too much at a time as it will just come back and you will have wasted your time.
In order to lose weight at a reasonable pace you will just need to adjust your diet. Try not to eat junk foods and sodas. Drink water, instead of sodas and sweet drinks and healthy snacks instead of chips. Try to stop eating because you are bored and eat at regular times.
When you get enough sleep you will have more energy and will not need to eat so much junk food. Lack of sleep will work against you when you try to lose weight. When you deprive yourself of sleep your "fight and flight" or stress hormones will start to work. They will ensure that you cannot lose fat especially around your stomach area. If you are stressed out the same thing will happen.
It is wise to eat 6 small meals instead of 3 big ones, when you want to lose weight. This will keep you full and you will not need to snack in between meals. Use whole grain foods and plenty of vegetables, as these foods have fiber which will keep you full longer. They will also increase your metabolism and help your digestive system, which will help you to lose weight. You just need to burn more calories than you eat.
Exercising is a simple thing to do. You can do passive exercises like walking, jogging, swimming or even cycling everyday. On the other hand if you want to get motivated to lose weight, you can go to the gym and get the help of a trainer to help you set up an exercise regime. You can also do daily exercises at home on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or static bike.
If you really want to strengthen your muscles as well as lose weight, then exercising on machines that have weights will help you. You will need to do this with a trainer at first so that you do not hurt yourself. In order to do this right you will need to do these exercises 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
Check this site out for additional information about How to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Weight Loss Diet: meal plans

If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet With Recipe Plans - Vegan Food Ideas

One of the biggest challenges with a vegetarian diet plan for weight loss is finding enough variety and availability of foods in local stores. If you're a vegan looking for recipes sometimes you need to get creative and look for alternatives when maybe your favorite vegetarian food items aren't available. Keeping that in mind, here are some tips to lose weight and include some solid natural weight loss foods to spice up recipes. To be honest, you don't even need to be a vegetarian to enjoy them. These are healthy foods in general to eat to lose weight for anyone.
Fiddlehead Ferns: These have a slightly bitter and nutty flavor. Many people will often replace something like asparagus with Fiddlehead Ferns. The harvest period is a limited time in May so keep that in mind. Also, the flavor tends to diminish after they've been picked so you'll want to use them as soon as possible.
New Zealand Spinach: Spinach in general is one of the best choices to include in recipes of healthy foods to lose weight fast. There are also some other healthy benefits besides weight loss of course - promotes healthy skin, bone strength and density, helps protect eyes from cataracts and aids in lowering blood pressure.
Garlic Scapes: Many people use these as a milder alternative to regular garlic. You can use them the same way as you would with regular garlic in your recipes.
Sea Beans: As some call them, the poor man's asparagus. There popularity has increased their value. However, they taste basically as their name might suggest, a salty bean.
Scorzonera: So while this ugly brown root of the scorzonera might turn people off it tastes just like oysters. You can easily boil them, cut them up and make a soup and it's great for weight loss. They do go bad quickly so make sure to use them when you get them.
Another great thing about choosing to eat a more vegetarian diet is that it typically ends up being cheaper for you in the long run. If your meals are predominately vegetables you can expect to save much more money since you're eliminating meats that may have been purchased in the past.
The above are some quick and easy vegetarian weight loss recipes for your diet. Remember to stay creative and try new alternatives to exiting recipes you may already have in your regular diet plan. These are some great foods to incorporate in your everyday diet plan.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
http://newweightlosstips.blogspot.inI'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Conquer Weight Loss Plateaus and Lose Those Last Pounds

You have been doing well with your weight loss program when you suddenly seem to slow down and do not seem to be losing weight no matter how hard you try. When this happens it can be an especially difficult and confusing time. However, there are a number of ways to conquer weight loss plateaus.
http://newweightlosstips.blogspot.inWhat has happened is that your body has reached equilibrium and is taking in an equal number of calories to the amount you are burning. When you lose a certain amount of weight your body will get used to your regime and not lose any more weight. You can get more active and take a little more exercise. This will help you to burn more calories, tip the balance in your favor and help you to conquer weight loss plateaus.
There are several drills that you can do when you encounter this problem. You can walk or jog an extra mile. Add an aerobics class or add an exercise to your work out regime, will also help you to get more active and burn more calories. You can even try some yoga exercises. It is amazing how working a little bit more with your work outs can produce the results you want.
In order to conquer weight loss plateaus you can also adjust your diet. This is not too hard as all you need to do is to take in slightly less-calories than you were taking in, cutting down carbohydrates and taking a little less oil will help you to do this. If you have already done this then you might consider consulting your dietitian and they will tell you the best way to cut down your calorie intake.
Carbohydrates can be classed as all, bread, pasta and grains, like rice. They should not be completely cut from your diet as the body needs essential sugars from carbohydrates to survive. You can simply adjust them to conquer weight loss plateaus. Oils can be found in nuts, fried foods and foods like peanut butter. You can usually reduce some of these foods from your diet. Again do not cut them out completely as you need a little oil and fats to keep your body in good health.
My best advice to conquer weight loss plateaus is not to panic and just adjust your exercise and eating habits. Remember it will not take long to get back to your weight loss goals. If necessary you can keep a weight loss diary. In this way you will be able to keep an eye on these activities and see what is working and what is not. You will write down in your diary what exercises you are doing on a daily basis. If you have a calorie counter this will tell you how successful you have been in each activity. You can write down what foods you ate each day so that you can check on this.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

How to Burn More Calories to Lose Weight

You will never be able to lose weight if you always consume more calories than you burn. Diets make sure that you burn more calories than you consume by limiting your calorie intake each day. However, these diets can leave you feeling empty at the end of the day, and it's likely that you'll want to cheat on your diet and eat something that you're not supposed to. Crash diets can also severely harm your body by not providing enough of the vital nutrients that you need to survive. Perhaps a better way of losing weight is to eat a healthy diet but focus more on burning calories than restricting what you eat during the day. Weight loss should be an exciting time in your life, and you should be able to feel encouraged about how your body is starting to look. Exercise can get you out of a rut and can actually help you to feel less depressed. By focusing on burning calories instead of limiting your diet, you can make weight loss seem more like a fun game than a chore.
You can start to burn more calories by adding more activities into your daily routines. You should already be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous, prolonged activity per week. In order to start your weight loss, however, you will probably need at least a little more exercise than this.
Let's talk about some of the activities that you can do in order to encourage weight loss.
First, remember that you need to work out a variety of muscles. This will keep your entire body in shape, but it will also help to keep you from getting bored with your workouts. Although you should do prolonged activities during the week, we all know that sometimes it is difficult to find the time to fit in a real workout. Instead, you can opt to do a few small workouts several times a day. Use downtimes in order to fit a short amount of exercise into your schedule. As you brush your teeth, raise up and down on your toes. While watching the news or a favorite TV show, don't sit down; instead, do an activity like running in place so that you can still distract yourself by watching something. If you are boiling water for a meal, use this time to fit in a few jumping jacks or another activity. It really is easy to fit in small amounts of exercise during the day, and these short workouts can make the difference between losing weight and gaining it. Happy exercising, and good luck with your weight loss.

If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Health: Steady for Success

You can turn on the TV and it won't take more than a few minutes before you see a health-related commercial. There are so many options out there, it can make your head spin. They all promise to get your in shape quickly, easily and that they have the "difference that you need" to finally get healthy.
These promises are funny to me because they are appealing to someone that has not been on track and wants to not only get on track, but to see results instantly. There is something to be said for results and getting them quickly. I can't blame anyone for wanting this, but there is a fatal flaw in this thinking.
When you start a new workout plan or change your diet, you are doing more than burning more calories and taking in fewer calories. You are creating new habits. As you create those habits, you are making the new behaviors part of your routine. As the routine becomes more normal for you, it gets easier.
The only way to make it easy is to do it for a long time. Practice makes perfect is a saying that comes to mind. You can't just jump out and start doing something and expect to lose weight instantly and have no difficulty. It doesn't work that way.
It never has and it never will.
The promises that you see on TV are always going to be there. These companies are trying to sell a product. They need you to try their product and they are competing with other products that are offering quick and easy results. That is the gimmick that has been working on people for decades.
Think about it:
These companies continue to find new twists on the same workouts and new machines to offer you new ways to do the same workouts that you've done in the past. The biggest problem is not the convenience of these movements. It is not the new trainer on the video you just bought. It's not even the fact that you were trying to do things the hard way.
The problem is not that you didn't have this new video or machine in your life. The problem is that you never stuck with the last thing you tried. News flash: If you don't stick with this one, it won't work either.
The marketing for new exercise products is funny to me because they are promising something that is completely true. If you do an exercise program, any exercise program consistently over a period of time, you will see results. If you work really hard for a really long time, you will see great results. The marketing is funny to me because they can promise that all day and never give you what you actually need to make it all work.
The motivation and planning to execute your routine over an extended period of time is what you need to make exercise work. You already know what to do. You already know how to do it. If exercise "hasn't worked in the past" for you, it is because you stopped doing it. It is not because you were doing it wrong. It is not because you didn't have the right technology. It wasn't because you had yet to see some revolutionary system that would be "the end of your struggle".
I'll say it again. If a routine, any routine hasn't worked for you, it is not because it wasn't the right routine. It didn't work because you stopped doing it. Any routine that you do regularly is going to yield good results. Any product that you use will work if you actually use it.
What is the real secret? The secret to success in health lies in one word. There are many ways to be healthy. There are many ways to lose weight, many ways to get in shape. If you want to be healthy than your routine has to work for you. If you want it to work, the one word that has to be part of your plan is: steady.
The more you do something, the more it works. This is true in health and in every other area of life. If you buy the best workout DVD's, have the most knowledgeable trainer in the world, it won't matter if you can't do it consistently. You have to be steady and do something regularly if you want it to do anything for you.
"Slow and steady wins the race". It's true. If you do something regularly, even if it is simple and modest, you will see better results over the long-term than if you try a few flashy things sporadically every few years. We've all seen the before and after pictures of the people that got on track with the latest craze. The will show you what someone was able to accomplish in 30 days or 90 days. What they won't show you is that same person 90 days after they took that picture. They won't show you what that person looks like 6 months or a year later.
Why won't they show you the person after that after picture? They won't show you that because they don't promise you that. They can promise you (with a disclaimer) that you will get results in 30 days, but they won't promise you that you can stick with it long enough to make it part of your routine. They can't promise you that.
Only you can do that. You are the only one that can change your routine. It doesn't matter what you do. If you do it and are steady with it, you will see results.
It's actually quite simple. Don't let marketing or technology make you feel like you don't understand it. Health is the same as it always was. Just because there are new ways to workout doesn't mean that you are out of the loop. It just means that someone found new way to do the same thing and packaged it differently.
The key is not the next best thing. The key is to be steady and consistent. If your routine is steady, you will be healthy.
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Finding the Best Exercise to Lose Weight

The truth of the matter there isn't actually a best exercise to lose weight, so to speak, instead there is numerous combinations of workouts and plans you must follow for the fastest way to lose weight and get that perfect body.
The two main cores to any fitness program is to improve your body shape with regular exercise, and the introduction of a healthy diet.
Now this probably isn't anything you don't already know but the fact remains it is the fastest way to lose weight and the only method that truly allows you to maintain a healthy body.
First thing to remember when you begin your workouts is that over some time you may develop muscle mass which is great, so don't feel down when you stand on the scales. As muscle weighs more than fat, and we are almost certain you would rather look and feel good when you view your body through a mirror than what a scale says.
Key Steps & Exercises to Lose Weight
Calorie Intake- We feel this is the number one area where most people go wrong, yes obviously exercise is important but, correctly dieting is the best way to lose belly fat plus provide the nutrients to get your body to correctly recover and feel full from workouts.
While many believe calorie counting is wrong, it is the cornerstone to big industry programmes such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, this is because many do not understand the importance of the recommended daily calories needed, and this can differ depending on gender, fitness goals, and whether you are working out on that particular day.
Exercise- Regularly exercising will help to tone and create lean muscle tissue, a factor needed to burn fat. So what are the best exercises to lose weight, as stated before there is a wide range, and depending on fitness levels, however the main ones to concentrate on are as follow:
For most, these recommended options should be the best exercise to lose weight, improve energy levels, build strength and endurance while flattening the stomach with a healthy diet.
Cardio - This could be achieved by 30mins of running, walking, going to the gym and doing rowing, using the stepper machines or join a circuit class such as spinning, boxercise or aerobics.Abs - This is a must for all and should be worked on for at least 15mins 2x a week, this could include using an exercise ball or doing plank and crunch routines.Arms & Chest - Press ups, bench press and arm curls ideally with a restriction band or weights if you preferBums & Legs - Squats, lunges, and leg raises which can be done both at home and the gym, most believe these are the best exercise to lose weight as they tend to get more noticeable results
If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Starting a Workout Routine

Body workouts are not only good for the health of the body but also help in managing problems of weight gain. Indulging in body workout can help restore the physical body health as well as boost the psychological wellbeing of a person. There are many aspects that people need to consider when . First, you need to establish the purpose of your exercise. People exercise for various reasons and it could be to lose weight, enhance body recovery from an injury, or illness.
People also undertake exercise in order to keep their body fit and build their muscles. There are also people who exercise for athletic reasons while others do body works to recover from addictions. All these aims of workouts may require different exercise programs. Another aspect which a person should check on is the health of the body. People who suffer from chronic diseases such as heart problems and diseases may require special instructions when they are doing exercises.
It is important to consult your doctor if you suffer from such diseases in order to ensure that you are fit for the workouts. When doctors are examining a person for physical fitness and exercises, they ask question to know more about the medical history and disorders of a person and the family. Although a person may not have been diagnosed of a certain disease, if there is a family history of getting a particular disease such as heart attacks, this can help the doctor understand your health and what kind of exercises you need.
From such examinations, a doctor can be able to unearth some of the conditions, which can be triggered by indulging in strenuous exercises such as the heart disorders. Overweight people are likely to develop musculoskeletal injuries when they engage in strenuous activities, which entail sudden start and stop spans for example, when they play tennis and basket ball as well as jog.
Similarly, when you are beginning a workout, you need to ensure that it is something you will love and have fun doing. There is no point of starting a workout plan only to find yourself not interested in it as this may not help you attain your goal in doing the exercises. There are different types of exercise, which you can take up for example, if you were active in sports while in high school and college, you may consider sports as a form of exercise.
Other forms of exercises you can take are rollerblading, skateboarding, and also hockey. You can also indulge in lifting weights. Going jogging in the mornings and evenings can also be good for you. Cycling and walking can also help in your exercise. Diet is another aspect that you need to consider. In order to attain your exercise goals, it is important to model out a diet plan that will help you in the exercise. People that are exercising to lose weight should take diet that is rich in fiber and low in calories. Lastly, when you are ,you should also choose where and when to engage in the exercises so that it fits wells with your daily schedules.

If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on

Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Idealnt Body Measureme

A perfect body shape is a subject that is based on preconceptions and often varies from how people perceive a good body size to be. revolves around many aspects and is different in men and women. In women, a perfect measurement entails aspects such as waistline size, hip and thigh size. Generally slim bodies are more preferred in women as this makes them look more attractive. The body contour for women matters a lot as this defines the firmness of their body.
For women height also contributes to their perfect body shape. Something around 5.6 inches to 5.10 inches could be considers a good height for the women. In essence, a height of 5"8' which is approximately 173cm is a good height that is admired by women. A waist of 24 inches or 61cm is also recommended for women. Similarly, a hip size of 28 inches or 71 cm is regarded as perfect size. In terms of weight, something around 146pounds, which is equivalent to 66kg, may also be seen as the right weight for a perfect body shape of a woman.
However, these measurements may differ from what people view as the perfect body shapes. This is also influenced by cultural aspects as in the western world; slander women are more attractive to men. In the African culture, this may be quite different as big bodies though not overweight may be regarded as perfect body size.
In men, masculine and firm body muscles are considered more attractive. The trapezoid shape is considered as perfect size and this is characterized by broad shoulder and chest, as well as medium-to-narrow hips and waistline. More so, in men, measurement of the body is done through features such as the chest, shoulders, waist, hip and height.
Universally, the body measurement is done through body mass index. This is in relation to a person's height. BMI metric units entail body weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. For example, a weight of 82 kilograms and a height of 2.0 meters would give a MBI of;

If you haven't picked up a be guided by of my Truth about Six Pack Abs
book yet, do yourself a favor, and use the money you would have wasted on your next bottle of accessory pills or powder, and discover the program that will adjust you lean, healthy, and ripped for the rest of your life, not just the next 2 weeks!
I'll be back in touch soon with additional Lean-Body Secrets. I also have a couple fabulous lean-body recipes coming up over the next few weeks that I think you'll enjoy, so hang on