
Tuesday 24 July 2012

7 Top Tips To Stay Motivated When Losing Weight

In this article, we shall be sharing with you 7 top tips that will help you stay motivated to keep to your weight loss regime and ultimately, reach your weight goal successfully!
1. Make A Commitment
The way the mind works makes it hard to renege on a commitment. You can take advantage of this fact to help you achieve your weight goal by signing up for an upcoming charity marathon event.
By committing yourself to an event like this, you will take every ounce of effort to make sure that you train doubly hard for it so as not to let anyone (especially the beneficiaries) down, and this goes a long way toward helping you lose weight, and move steps closer to your ideal weight.
2. Own A Dog (If You Do Not Have One Yet)
As a dog owner, it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure its health and well-being. And part of what you need to do as a dog owner is to walk your dog daily.
By doing so, you'll be, in a way, "forcing" yourself to get your bum off your comfortable sofa and get a walk outside as well, allowing you to burn some calories in the process.
3. Finding A Partner
Another effective way to keep yourself motivated (to want to follow through your weight loss goals) is to find a partner who has the same weight loss aspirations as you. That way, the both of you can motivate and push each other along, allowing the both of you to successfully attain your weight goals at the end of the day.
4. Lose Weight By Joining A Group Exercise Class
Joining workout classes (such as yoga, Pilates, Zumba, etc.) is fun, motivating, and it also significantly improves your likelihood of eventually attaining your weight goals.
Simply because by joining such workout classes, you'll be "forced" to attend every single lesson (otherwise your classmates will keep calling you and asking about your absence). This will allow you to get the necessary routine workout you need in order to burn calories and ultimately lose weight.
5. Chart Your Progress
Several studies has been conducted, and concluded that those who weigh themselves, and chart their weight down every single day, manage to drop more pounds compared to those who did not.
The reason is because, such charts will give you a visual satisfaction (where you see yourself losing weight on a consistent basis), thereby giving you even more motivation to want to work harder to lose more pounds.
6. A New Lease Of "Sex" Life
When you lose weight and reach your weight goal, you'll find your sex life has a new life. A study at Duke University showed a person's sex life became more enjoyable when they have just a 10% decrease in their weight.
Also, it makes you will feel more attractive and increase your self-confidence when you lose any weight.
7. Hang Up The Sexiest Outfit You Want To See Yourself Fit In
At the start of your weight loss regime, take out or buy the sexiest outfit you can find and hang it on the door knob in your room. It gives you a visual reminder of where you want your weight to end up.
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Article Source:http://tinyurl.com/7lcbhax

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