
Monday 22 October 2012

Glycemic Index Chart: Do You Understand It?

ByBob Trovan

If you are new to the glycemic index chart then the whole concept may seem both a little daunting and somewhat confusing when you initially start to look at it. The whole reason for the glycemic index chart was that so both the patient and the doctor would have some common ground when discussing health issues and in particular relevant diets. Once you have gained an understanding of exactly what the number stands for within the index and exactly how it works it is pretty simple, so there is really no need to have any concerns. It should on the other hand be treated as both a powerful and very useful tool which can seriously help you improve your life and turn to a far more healthier lifestyle.

Overall, the time that it realistically takes to learn the glycemic index chart is very minimal, and the time spent learning it is very beneficial and will make everything else associated seem so simple. Essentially when you look at the index chart you will see that it contains numbers as well as a variety of foods - with each food having its own corresponding number. The number range is from zero to a hundred and give exact pointers as to when your blood sugar level will rise and which food is actually causing this to happen.

As an example if say a food has a rating on the index of 90 or above then this causes a rapid blood sugar rise where as a lower number in the index will obviously cause a slower rate of rise which is beneficial to diabetics etc. That said you fill find that the chart does not go into exact detail such as listing individual foods but instead lists them in various food groups. Dependant on the numbers assigned will also determine whether that food group is based as a low, medium or high risk on the glycemic index chart. It is however worth noting that intake of protein can affect the outcome of the results on the glycemic index chart - simply because protein can help to slow down digestion.

Although the glycemic index chart is primarily seen as a tool specifically for use by diabetics there are other uses such as by athletes for example who can use it to plan their energy levels and when they need them to be higher throughout the day.

Bob Trovan is a weight lose expert. Craving for more great tips on glycemic index chart, visit http://www.glycemicindexinfo.com

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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