
Sunday 21 October 2012

Safety Concerns About Thermogenic Supplements: Are They Safe?

How Thermogenic Supplements Work

If this is your first time to hear about thermogenics and thermogenic fat burners, don't be intimidated by the terms. Thermogenic products are just weight-loss supplements that promise to burn unwanted fats even if you don't work out regularly.

"Thermogenics" is a scientific term that refers to anything that will increase your body's heat production. Thermogenic supplements, therefore, are products that are created for the sole purpose of increasing your body's heat production to increase your body's metabolic rate, and thus to lose unwanted fats.

These weight-loss products also have the ability to suppress your appetite or to prevent you from feeling hungry.

Common Ingredients Found in These Supplements

Most manufacturers claim that they have the best thermogenic product available. But if you examine all these supplements, their commonality lies in the ingredients they contain, which are the following: garcinia cambogia, bitter orange, pyruvate, ephedrine, fucoxanthin, caffeine, and adrenergic compounds.

Each of these ingredients has their own basic function. And most of the time, they have a synergistic effect. For instance, one type of adrenergic compound stimulate the body to produce another compound which the caffeine tries to suppress, thereby prolonging a reaction that eventually leads to lipolysis, or loss of fats.

Best Thermogenic Supplements on the Market

Reputable review sites and fitness blogs recommend a variety of thermogenic products. But there are three brands that keep popping up in these sites. They are the following: Nutrex Lipo 6, Isatori MX-LS7, and Force Factor Ramp Up.

What do these brands have in common? An ingredient that's been scientifically proven to stimulate the thyroid to help increase the user's metabolism.

The Great Debate: Are Thermogenic Supplements Safe?

When it comes to weight loss supplements and fat burners, one can't help but question the negative effects of these products to the body.

Now the question is, are thermogenic supplements safe?

If you do some research, experts don't agree on one single answer. There are many fitness experts who claim that these products are 100% safe. However, there are also a number of nutrition experts who discourage everyone from using these products. And they have every reason to believe that supplements are bad for you.

While it's true that there has been no reported case of someone dying because of thermogenic products, the side effects may affect the user in the long run. Studies have shown that thermogenic supplements are effective in getting rid of unwanted fats especially on the first few weeks of usage. However, as you continue to use these supplements, not only will they lose their effectiveness. But you will also become chemically dependent on these products.

Bottom Line

Before using a weight loss product, it is your responsibility to check with your doctor. There are a variety of thermogenic supplements that are readily available on the market. But before using them, understand the facts and make sure that your body is compatible with these supplements. Remember, taking thermogenic products is an effective and fast way to lose weight, but it also has its own set of disadvantages.

Confused which thermogenic supplements or thermogenic fat burners to take? Here's a tip. To find out which one is the best for you, head over to a reputable fitness and bodybuilding site and read what the pros say.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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