
Saturday 27 October 2012

The Naturally Slender Eating Strategy

What you think really does proceed what you do and if you want to change what you do you must first change how you think. The Weight Loss Registry keeps track of people who have lost about 30 lbs. and have kept it off for a year. It is a great research project to learn what thin people do and think. Isn't everything we do started by thinking a thought? Image for a moment that you are in a bakery and right before you are your favorite things, and you say OK, I will have it just this once. Now what do you think you are going to do if that is your thought, looking at your favorite thing? Or, how about the office goodies you walk by and say, "Oh, I will just have a couple of M&M's, that won't hurt". First comes the thought, and then comes the hand. So what you think really precedes what you do and if you want to change what you do, you must first change how you think.

Step 1. Imagine a hypothetical future situation when something makes you think about food. Maybe it is in a situation where you see food, smell food, perhaps you look at your watch and it is 12 o'clock and it is time for launch or any kind of situation, whether it is appropriate or inappropriate, that makes you think of food. Let the answers that come to mind be the information that will help you in the following steps. If 12 o'clock makes you think of food, I want you to check in by putting your hands on your stomach. Make sure your hands are in the right location, just below the ribcage, mid-torso. Tilt your head down slightly, now check in as to how your stomach feels, how hungry are you? Measure against the hunger scale, 0, being falling down famine, and 10 is feeling stuffed like a Christmas Turkey.

Step 2. Go to thinking about, what would feel good in your stomach right now. Its noon and you are as hungry as you are and listen to your inner voice, and it says, "What would feel good in my stomach right now". Now, you are going to answer this question by tilting your head back, looking above eye level and visualize the portion of that which you are considering eating. Maybe the food you are seeing is something right in front of you, or that you have seen in a restaurant, or something you have fixed at home, whatever it is just see it there. Now, this is important. I want you to do a trial run before you eat anything. You do this by putting your hands on your stomach again, and now you are going to imagine eating what you just saw. That's right, you are going to get a little taste in your mouth, you are going to feel it go down, and you're going to imagine what it feels like in your stomach over time. How does it feel after one hour, after two hours, after three hours? What's that like? Do you like the way it feels over time? The point is that the average evening meal is eaten in 7 minutes while it sits in your stomach for hours. So, just think about what it feels like. Think how it will feel right after dinner, or when you go to bed, and in the morning having eaten this the night before. This food will stay with you. Now ask yourself if you like that feeling? Do you like feeling stuffed, tired, indigestion and listlessness. At this point you might imagine instead of eating the granda burrito, to try to imagine eating a salad and soup instead and think how this would feel. Which one of these options makes you feel the best over time? When you pick the right thing you have just maximized your best feeling over time. You have chosen the best pleasure over time. You get to choose the thing that makes you feel the best.

The natural slender eating strategy is to go for the thing that will make me feel the best over time. That is what you want. You want the thing that will sit just right for me.

Review the situations when you think about food

- You notice how hungry you are, when you smell, see, hear food or if it is the time on the clock.

- You check in. You put your hands on your stomach, tilt your head down slightly, how hungry are you right now. Am I a 0, 1, 2, 10?

- You ask yourself what would feel good in my stomach right now. You then look up and visualize a portion of something you want to eat. Imagine eating it.

- Now how does it feel in your stomach over time?

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Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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