
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Top Anti-Cellulite Creams

Cellulite is a common condition plaguing many modern women. The unsightly rippled patches of skin on the backside, the thighs and the abdomen cause significant damage to a woman's self-esteem and can sometimes prevent a woman from feeling sexy, attractive and comfortable in her own skin. There are many different products and treatment programs on the market today designed to address, remove, reduce and prevent it. Among these products consumers have rated Cellulean, Dermology, Revitol and Revita Shape as the best consumer rated creams on the market.

Cellulean is the number one product with the highest consumer satisfaction rating. It comes in at an astounding 90% satisfaction level. Cellulean is an all-natural serum with forty-five active ingredients, which consist of herbs, anti-oxidants, Shea Butter, liposome, lavender, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Macadamia Nuts, and green teas to name a few. All these ingredients are guaranteed all safe and all natural.

This product is proven to address the following problem areas: the buttocks, the thighs, the abdominal area, and the under-arm area.

Number two on the list is the Dermology Cellulite Solution. It registers an 80% satisfaction rating. The active ingredient of Dermology is caffeine, which stimulates blood flow to the affected areas. The upside of this product is that it is made from safe and natural ingredients but the down side to it is that it takes a week or two before any noticeable improvements are seen.

Third on the list is the Revitol Cellulite Solution, with a 70% consumer satisfaction rating. Revitol aims to eliminate unwanted dimples. Its main ingredients are Retinol A, Shea butter, capsicum extract, and caffeine that improve the metabolism, tighten the skin and improve blood circulation that not only smoothen out uneven bumps, but also helps fight skin aging for more youthful and healthy skin all over. This product should be applied three to four times a day for best results.

Last on the list with a satisfaction rating of 60% is a toning formula called Revita Shape. It is designed to lift and tone common problem areas where uneven and dimpled skin usually occurs. These include the arms, the legs, the backside and the stomach. Revita Shape also promises to improve circulation and reduce any inflammations that contribute to skin rippling. Revita Shape works by stimulating the metabolism to burn stored fat, improving the elasticity of the skin, and by draining unwanted toxins and water from between cells. This product works immediately however, for permanent results, it is advised that the product be used for at least six weeks.

To access products to get rid of cellulite, please visit http://how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-at-home.blogspot.com and http://how-to-cure-cellulite-naturally.blogspot.com

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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